Our Blog

Pacific Northwest Audiology Attended the Deschutes County Fair and Rodeo

Pacific Northwest Audiology was a vendor at the Deschutes County Fair and Rodeo from July 30 to August 3rd. We had a great time interacting with people of all ages…and had an opportunity to answer important hearing health questions for…

Pacific Northwest Audiology

When Sound Hurts

NIHL is related to both noise intensity and the duration of exposure. The relationship between sound levels and exposure limits is illustrated below. The Table (below) shows how quickly sound tolerance limits decrease with small increases in sound intensity levels.…

Pacific Northwest Audiology

Age-Related Hearing Loss (ARHL)

Seeds of a Growing Problem The population of the U.S. is getting older. According to the Administration on Aging, the aging ‘baby boom’ generation will produce a dramatic increase in the population through 2030. In 2009, people over 65 represented…

Pacific Northwest Audiology

Hearing Loss and Dementia

The Problem An increasing number of independent scientific studies are showing strong evidence that hearing loss is more than just a nuisance of aging. The message is disturbing: people who experience hearing loss as they age may also have a…

Pacific Northwest Audiology

What You Need to Know About Hearing Aids

Introduction Untreated hearing loss can damage your physical, emotional, and social health and well-being, but studies by the National Council on Aging and the Seniors Research Group indicates that wearing hearing aids can lead to impressive improvements in the social,…

Pacific Northwest Audiology

Can Diabetes Cause Hearing Loss?

Introduction In previous articles we discussed the links between untreated hearing loss and a variety of debilitating medical and emotional conditions, including dementia, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease. Given the overwhelming evidence…we felt it was important to reveal that untreated hearing…

Pacific Northwest Audiology

Are you a Baby Boomer? Why it Matters!

So…What is a Baby Boomer? If you were born during the Post–World War II baby boom between 1946 and 1964 you are part of the baby boom generation. More babies were born in 1946 than any previous year in the…

Pacific Northwest Audiology

Need Hearing Care? Choose A Business Model!

Introduction You may not be aware of it…but when you choose a hearing provider you are also choosing a business model. One model works off the proposition that profits alone are the bottom line for generating future profitability. This model…

Pacific Northwest Audiology

Pacific Northwest Audiology Highlights Technology in Bend OR

Pacific Northwest Audiology and Lyric co-hosted a technology and Open House event on October 30. Kevin Haslam from Lyric presented and answered questions about Lyric Invisible Hearing Aids and discussed the next generation of Lyric Hearing Aids. Pacific Northwest Audiology…

Pacific Northwest Audiology

Bend Area Residents Invited to Invisible Hearing Aids Information Party

Pacific Northwest Audiology and Lyric will highlight invisible hearing aid technology on Oct 30…from 10 am to 5 pm…and you’re invited. This will be an information-rich party…we will provide food, drinks, and great prizes…including Bose® QuietComfort® 15 Acoustic Noise Cancelling®…

Pacific Northwest Audiology