Pacific Northwest Audiology Building Progress


Bldg progress pic


Dr. Li-Korotky and her husband Josh Korotky, co-owners of Pacific Northwest Audiology, took advantage of a great Fall Saturday to check out the progress of their new building at the Shevlin Health and Wellness Center, a visionary medical campus designed by Todd Taylor of Taylor NW, to serve Northwest Crossing and Bend with one stop health care. 

In the figure above, panels 1 and 3 show the building from the northwest and north northwest respectively. Panel 2 shows the interior plans for our new clinic and panel 4 shows the location of our clinic relative to High Lakes Health Center. Dr. Li is checking the interior framing in panels 5 and 6 🙂

Pacific Northwest Audiology will move to this new community this coming April, and we plan to revolutionize the experience of hearing care!

Check back often. We will update the progress every week!