It can be hard to admit to hearing loss. You may have noticed that you can’t hear as well as you used to, but you probably don’t realize just how much your hearing has changed in the past few months. Here are some of the most common myths about hearing loss, and the real truth hiding behind the myth.
Myth: I’d Know if My Hearing Loss was Serious
Did you know that nearly 50 million Americans have hearing loss? Many of these people don’t realize just how much hearing they have lost. Like you, they think they’d know if their hearing loss was serious. The fact is that you may not even be the first to notice that your hearing has changed! Your family will be the ones who notice when you don’t hear the beeping of the microwave, or can’t hear them when they call to you from another room.
Hearing loss is a gradual process, and you may not notice the changes right away. Your ears and brain work hard to help you hear, you turn your good ear towards the person speaking, and you forget that you used to hear birds chirping outside the window. If your loved ones tell you they’ve noticed your hearing loss, it’s time to book a hearing test.
Myth: Improving My Hearing Isn’t Worth the Hassle
This is one of the saddest myths we tell ourselves. We often think that treating hearing loss won’t make a big difference, and we’ll just learn to live with hearing loss rather than make the effort to get hearing aids. The fact is that treating hearing loss can have a huge impact on your overall quality of life. Hearing clearly will improve your relationships, help you stay social, and be more active in your community.
Myth: If I Turn Up the Volume, I’ll Be Fine
Many adults with hearing loss think that turning up the volume will be an easy fix. Unfortunately, that’s not how hearing loss works. Hearing loss doesn’t just make sounds softer. Hearing loss makes it much harder to hear certain sounds, such as consonant sounds. When you turn up the volume, it doesn’t make the sounds any clearer, and you still won’t be able to understand what’s being said on the TV or on the phone.
Myth: Hearing Aids Won’t Work
Have you tried an inexpensive over the counter hearing aid or sound amplifier? The truth is that these devices don’t always work very well. They’re not calibrated to match your unique hearing loss, or help you hear the sounds you’re struggling to hear. To find hearing aids that work, you need to invest in the right hearing technology that includes all the programs and settings you need to hear. You’ll find different programs for each listening environment, and a device that will match your lifestyle.
Myth: Hearing Aids are Unattractive
Are looks holding you back from hearing? When you think of hearing aids, you may imagine large behind the ear devices that aren’t very attractive. Not only has hearing technology improved over the years, so has the appearance of hearing aids. Today’s devices of sophisticated, elegant devices that you don’t need to hide. Some hearing aids will sit in the outer ear, and others are so small they sit completely within the ear canal, and are nearly invisible. You can choose from dozens of unique designs, and find the perfect look for your new hearing aids.
Myth: Hearing Aids Will Make Me Seem Old
One of the biggest reasons people don’t treat their hearing loss is the fear of seeming old. There is a stigma around hearing loss, and many people feel that admitting they can’t hear is a sign they’re getting old. The fact is that people of all ages experience hearing loss. Many adults start to notice changes to their hearing health in their 40s and 50s.
Modern hearing aids include advanced technology, such as connectivity to your smartphone. You can control your hearing aids from the palm of your hand, and even stream phone audio right to your ears. These hearing aids won’t make you seem old, and the only thing your friends will notice is how well you can hear. Contact us today to learn more!