
Blog fig

It’s a building! The exterior of the new Pacific Northwest Audiology Hearing Center is around 80 percent complete and you can easily imagine approaching the building on a lazy summer day…even though the temperature was 35 degrees in spotty rain showers when the picture was taken. Much progress has also been made on the interior, which was painted with an earthy beige color. Windows are framed, the ceiling is going in, and wiring is just about complete. 

In the figure above, panels 1 and 2 show the building from the NNE, and Panel 3 shows the location of Pacific Northwest Audiology relative to High Lakes Health Center. Panel 4 is a schematic of the interior office spaces and panels 5 and 6 show the view from the patient reception area toward the Innovation Technology Center, where we will have interactive displays and technology educational programs for our customers.

Progress continues on a fast track, and we are still planning to move our operations during the first week of April. Check back for updates…we will have a lot more to tell and show as time draws closer to our move-in date!